2018 – Part 1b – Inactive here

=  Om Gurumayiji  =

24 Jan 2018, GSP   –   Structuring time for sadhna

A sadhana related contemplation was placed deeply inside and addressed to Shri Guru, as follows, ‘What were my essential insights or learnings from my preparatory study.’


Emerging response from the Master:

“Your most important insights and learning was that you were unable to adhere to practices for lack of time organization. That simple step can make you overcome this lack. 


“So, in the retreat keep a focus on how you can structure time no matter where you are, how you are and what you are doing.


“The practices must get overriding priority. So, plan your time well.” 



25 Jan 2018, GSP   –   Trust Gurumayi’s words, Inner silence allows touching fountain of bliss and joy, Inner silence fortifies character, God flows through actions coming from inner silence

On studying Gurumayiji’s teachings on silence the following contemplation was placed deeply inside and addressed to Shri Guru, ‘What can I learn from Her words on silence?’


Emerging response from the Master:

“You can learn to trust My words. Believe them.


“Silence, inner silence, alone will give you an understanding and experience of what silence is all about. Silence will allow you to touch your Heart, to touch your fountain of bliss and joy. 


“And with greater practice the inner silence will stay throughout your days and that will fortify you and make you a steady person. People will respect what you say because it will come from a pure place and have strength and character. 


“Coming from a state of silence allows you to attend to every duty much better than otherwise. Your activities will be honest and purposeful because God will be flowing through your actions if you come from silence.


“So practice it. Allow your mind to become silent repeatedly. It will benefit you. That is My assurance.”



25 Jan 2018, GSP   –      Put everything on the Guru, think of Shri Guru at all times, Focus on Shri Guru sustains inner silence

Another sadhana related question on silence was placed deeply inside and addressed to Shri Guru. It was, ‘How will I sustain my practice of silence?’


Emerging response from the Master:

“O Virender, as I have told you before, put everything to Me. Turn everything to Me. For I am the epitome of stillness. And as you put everything to Me, then My stillness will permeate you.


So, think of Me at all times. Yes, at ALL times. At EVERY moment. Think only of Me. Focus only on Me. Do not focus on anything else. Just Me.


In this way you will become very very silent. Sustain the focus on Me and you will sustain the experience of silence.”


Thank You, O Master. I bow to You again and again. Thank You.  



27 Jan, GSP   –      Guru is the breath, silence makes us the Self, silence makes us the Heart, focus on breath is same as focus on the Guru

A sadhana related question was placed deeply inside and addressed to Shri Guru, as follows, ‘What can I learn from the breath and Gurumayiji’s teaching?’


Emerging response from the Master:

“You can learn that I am the breath. I am the Heart. 


“When you settle into quietness then you enter into My Heart. That is what meditation is about. It is about being so silent that you become the Heart. You become the Self. You stay as the Self as long as your mind is still.


“And then that supports you as you go about your day-to-day life because each experience builds on the previous and the net result is you keep on staying in the Heart and you keep functioning from the Heart.


“So, make it a habit. Keep focusing on the breath when you can. It is the same as focusing on Me.”



28 & 29 Jan 2018 – GSP   –   Full support of the Master in personal matter

Prayers of a personal nature

While in GSP when news came from USA that related to a grandson. I was being asked to go there to be of help to the family. On 28 Jan I wrote out a prayer in some anguish. Then on 29 Jan, in the evening, I contemplated the matter in Shri Nilaya, our reading room, and prayed quietly and deeply to Gurumayiji, explaining the matter and seeking Her blessings and support for the boy. I was already very centered then. The prayer of 28 Jan and the prayer in contemplation of 29 Jan are below, followed by the response that had immediately flowed into my heart from the Master on 29 Jan.

28 Jan – Prayer offered:

O Guru, O Light of my life, O my deepest innermost soul, my Heart, O Guru, Jagad Guru, salutations to Thee.

I am here in GSP, in Your beloved home, O Master. Pray please tell me why am I so distraught after news of my grandson came in from USA yesterday? Are You testing me, O Guru, testing My faith? Please don’t O Master, for I now trust You implicitly and it is to You that I look to take care of the boy’s matter. O Mother, this is a prayer to You to please support Me and help My family. I bow to You again and again and again. O supreme Master I bow to You. Please please protect me and my family. It is You alone I have, no other. You are my God, my very being. And I thank You again and again, O Guru. 



29 Jan 2018 – Contemplation offered in Shri Nilaya: 

Prayer offered at the Lotus Feet.

O Lord, I knew nothing of religion or spirituality till, by turn of fortune, I was drawn to Siddha Yoga. Even now I know little of philosophy or religion or religions. But I know You, O Shri Guru, for on Your own, by singular act of magnificent grace, You planted Yourself in me, deep in my soul. So, O Guru, all I know is You. All I have is You, and You know it too for You are my very soul and know everything of me. 

I have been a tardy son, negligent, in need of the whip and there are old habits that die with difficulty. Yet You have remained within me and kept me with You. And in my millions of lives, through the millions of days and nights of Brahma, I will always be grateful and I will always be true and I will always love You and serve You. That can never ever fail for You will remain for all time to come, and in all of Lord Shiva’s creations, as my supreme and divine Mother.

Here I am in GSP, O Guru, in Your supreme abode where You exist in all Your glory, ever present, ever pristine and ever pouring out Your grace through every particle of dust and through every leaf, plant, bird and other beings. Here I am Shri Guru, in this situation about my grandson. Please O great Guru, protect this child. I have little left in this life to ask of You. This one act of grace is my humble prayer to You.

I sit in Shri Nilaya with my little prayer to Your lotus feet, O Shri Guru. Please glance Your favourable glance on this little boy, not yet three years old. Please support me, O Shri Guru, please hold my hand. 

With great love I offer this prayer at Your lotus feet. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.


Flow from the Master, received immediately, even before I had finished writing:

“See Virender, these things will happen and continue to happen. They have to be absorbed and taken in the stride. You can teach that to your children. 


About the boy have no fears. He will be well. Let him come around on his own, at his own pace. Do not disregard what the doctors say. Follow their instruction. Yes, see another doctor if need be. But keep at it.


And as I have just said, he will be well. Fill the time between then and now with due care, due diligence and support. Give him the time. I am there for you.


And you write about going to the US. Well, go there. And do what you can and what you have to. It is all right to be there. I will be with you there as I am with you here, in India, in GSP, in the Retreat.


So be in peace. Do not let this worry you so much as make you perturbed and upset. It is just another hill to climb. So lean on Me. Pray to Me and think of Me at all times.


The needful will be done. So go now and read on what you want to. Go.”


Thank You, O Shri Guru. I bow to you again and again and I thank You again and again. O great One, I am so grateful. SGNMKJ 

Over a year plus later, I discovered in my various papers a response from Shri Guru related to the same matter in 2017. Written hurriedly on an envelope. I may have contemplated it in 2017 when the matter was first heard of a little, but any urgency was not yet evident. She was already aware of the matter then. The fact of that contemplation and response from the Master was entirely lost from my memory. Fortunately, I discovered it. I place Shri Guru’s response below.  


Shri Guru’s words were:

“I have heard your prayer, Virender.

I am aware of the boy being sick. It will be taken care of, though it may take some time.

So don’t worry. He will be OK. He will be fine. I will see to it.

Let them go through what they have to. 

In the end he will be fine.

So go now.”


Thank You, Shri Guru, blessed Lord of the Universe. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.



30 Jan 2018, GSP  –      Being vigorous about sadhna, get heart and soul into sadhna

A sadhana related question was placed deeply inside and addressed to Shri Guru as under:

‘Looking at my progress, what new vision or direction for my sadhana comes to me now?’


Response from the Master, immediately emerging:

“The new vision is the same as before.

The new direction is the same as before.

You have to but continue on what you are embarked upon. However, be more vigorous. Be more active. Now chase your sadhana.

Now look for every moment to do a spot of sadhana. 

Even 5 minutes anywhere is good enough. Use it for sadhana.

Have this as your principal focus and get into it heart and soul at every second.

And never lose your focus on Me. 

Never. Even for a second.”


30 Jan 2018, GSP   –     Think of, focus on and worship the Guru, the whole Universe is within the Guru, you are in the Guru so do sadhna wherever you are, have faith – the Guru is always there

Another, somewhat similar sadhana related question was placed deeply inside and addressed to the lotus feet of Shri Guru seeking additional guidance from Shri Guru for myself?


Response from the Master, immediately emerging – very important instructions from Shri Guru:

“O Virender, there is no additional guidance that you need.

You have now started into it. So, get on with it and do the following:

Think of Me.

Focus on Me.

Worship Me.

For the whole Universe is within Me, as are you.

Everything you need is within Me. So, take heed of this.


“Get on with sadhana.

Make yourself pure.

Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself.

Think of what I have been telling you. And this I again say.

Your life will go on and go on.  Leave it to go on. 


“It doesn’t matter where you are. 

You are in Me wherever you are.

So do sadhana there where you are. Do sadhana where you are. Do the practices where you are.

Now, Virender, you are at a point where you cannot even waste a minute. So, get on with it. Step on the gas, so to say.


“Leave the family to Me. I will take care of them and attend to them as I have. These little issues will come and go. Be assured, it is I who am doing it.

So free yourself. It is now time for you to do so. It is good you came for the retreat. So do it.

And remember, I am always with you.

Always do it. And have faith. I am there.”


Thank You, O Guru. 



28 Feb 2018, Dehradun   –      The Guru expects the highest diligence, pay attention to what goes on within first, watch the bhava you exude, pulling the mind back to Shri Guru, never fear, keep gazing at the Guru from within, I having no other choice

Prayer to the Lotus Feet:

Jaya Shri Guru. Glory to Shri Guru. Jaya Shri Guru padukas, jaya kamal charana.  Glory to Shri Guru padukas, glory to the Lotus Feet. Glory to the holy and divine Master, our most beloved Chidvilasananda. Salutations, again and again salutations. Salutations to the Supreme Master. Salutations to the highest form of Lord Shiva, as the bestower of His divine grace, as the bringer back of His lost flock, as the revealer of His ultimate and deeper Truth, as the One who makes us all One again with Himself, as the ultimate absorber of everything that came forth from within Himself and was sustained by Him.  Salutations O Shri Guru, who are that form and that aspect of Lord Shiva and who is the sum of all His energies as reposed in Devi Parvati and in His retinue of divine forces, beings, devas, devis, that She brings forth and of which You, O most adorable Shri Guru, do bring forth the teachings of our origin and also of our being particles of Lord Shiva in all His magnificence.

I am now in Dehradun, O most venerable Shri Guru, and ben here for a while. The holy festival of Holi is upon us and we are heading fast into the season of SY celebrations. In case this is an auspicious time for me to receive any divine words from You, O Shri Guru, who art my very heart, my very being, then I await with pen in hand. 

I offer again and again my salutations to Thy lotus feet, O divine Master. All glory to Thee. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.


28 Feb 2018 (almost immediately):

Flow from the divine Master, the Jagad Guru, the Paramahansa:

“O Virender, thank you for being back here on this exchange that we have off and on. I do like it very much. It pleases Me. Keep doing it. (Yes, Master).

“From you I now expect the highest diligence in sadhana. From you I now expect the highest attention to your alertness and self control. You have started doing it a bit, only a bit. It needs to magnify – your alertness, your attention, to what goes on within you first, and then what goes on around you.


Always it is the inside that deserves your utmost attention. Your ceaseless attention. Your eternal watchfulness. Only in that lies your self control. Promote your control. Exercise great vigilance. Watch yourself all the time. Watch yourself within. Watch yourself without.     Watch the words you utter. Watch the bhava you exude. 


“Always think of Me. If you always think of Me, you will be perfect. You will be correct. And you will be alert. So, think of Me. 

Keep pulling your mind back to Me. 

Remember I am always listening to you. I am always watching you. 

I want to put you to work. But for that I need your utmost cooperation. (Yes, Master). 

I need your utmost attention.  (Yes, Master).

I need your utmost watchfulness.

I need your complete surrender to Me. – it is as simple as that.


“Do not worry.

Never fear.

I am here. I am here for you. I am here for everyone else.

Yet you have to focus on Me to draw Me towards you. To draw My love to you. To draw My protection of you. 

So, focus only on your sadhana. Let other thoughts be. Focus on sadhana at every second. 

As you move about. As you sleep. As you drive your car. As you talk to others. As you speak, eat, drink, sleep – just focus on Me.

I am within you, O Virender. So, turn within yourself and find Me.

I will soon make you Mine and I will make you carefree. Just be in the present moment with your inner eye gazing at Me very steadily. Extremely steadily. 

Never let your inner gaze falter. Keep gazing at Me within yourself. 

And all you want will be done. Even before you want, it will be done. 


“So go now and be in peace.

And follow all that I say. 

You have to follow all that I say.

You have no other choice. Do not even look at any other choice.

So go now Virender, and remain you in My love. SGNMKJ.” 


Thank You, O Shri Guru. Thank You for Your golden words. Thank You for Your guidance. Thank You for Your love, Your protection. Thank You, O most venerable Master. May Your will be done, O Master. Now, and forever in Time and beyond Time. Till the end of all the cycles of Brahma, may Thy will be done. SGNMKJ. 



27 March 2018 (NYC Centre, 29th St.)   –   Thinking of the Guru keeps me in Her presence 

The subject of contemplation was, ‘What stood for me about this year’s message ‘Satsang’ 

Initially I contemplated within myself and wrote something down. Then, I put the question to Shri Guru within.


Flow from Shri Guru there itself:

“You must constantly keep thinking of Me and only Me, and think of nothing else. 

If you do that then very automatically you will be in a state of satsang. 

Because you will always be in My presence. 

Remember that. Practice that. Do it.”


22 May 2018 (NYC Centre, 29th St.)   –   No option but to believe, reminding oneself again and again, everything springs from Faith

Contemplation was about what stood out for me in the monthly letter of May on our website. I put the question to Shri Guru within. 


Flow from Shri Guru there itself:

“What stands out for you is faith.

I have been telling you again and again that you have no option but to believe.

You have to believe.

You have to believe that you are the Truth.

You have to believe that I am the Truth.

That you and I are one.

So, remind yourself again and again and again.

And keep the torch burning bright.

Faith is everything.

Everything springs from faith. 

Remembering God exists.

The Truth exists.          

It exists within you and everyone.

Stay constantly alert to that. 24 x 7.”




06 Dec 2018, Dehradun   –      Taking practice further, staying centered on the Guru, contemplative writing is a way to connect with the Guru and hear from Her

Prayer offered to the Lotus Feet:

Om Guru, Shri Guru, beloved Master, all glory to Thee, O supreme being. Salutations at Thy lotus feet. Thou art the glory of this Universe; Thou art this Universe. At every step Thou stays with me and my life goes on by Thy grace.

Thank You, O Guru, for Thy blessings. Thank You for Your support. Thank You for Your ongoing grace, O beloved Master, O shining jewel of my heart.

I have opened this notebook after a long time. Many months have gone by since. I do humbly apologise. There are no reasons. I do sit here in this house willed me by my parents and the back part willed to my sisters. The days are going by, peacefully, in a quiet wait till this house can sell off and I can move on and be free from it. Awaiting Thy grace, O Shri Guru, for the blocks to the sale being lifted. For the karmas holding the sale up to dissolve. Thank You, O supreme master, for taking care of my grandson in the USA, from where I returned in mid August. He is getting better, yet has a distance to go. He is in Your care and divine grace, O Master, and I am certain that in just a little while all this will be behind us all. His parents are doing very well by him and following all that the doctors say. Thank You again and again.

I do await here any instructions from Thy lotus feet, O Shri Guru, so beneficial and kind. I do await here anything that You may wish me to know or do. I am attending the practices much better than before, yet far from where they should be. 

I had a beautiful and spiritually charged visit to the Ma Anandmayi Samadhi Shrine and another great visit to Shivanand Ashram in Rishikesh where the powerful Samadhi Shrine of the great Swami Shivanandji gave me many beautiful moments to dive within myself and meditate and attend their programs. I felt so close to GSP and felt Your divine presence all the time both within and everywhere around me.

Thank You for Your inner grace in sending me to both these divine places. I pray humbly at Thy lotus feet, O Master divine, for grace and yet more grace such that I may remain steeped in Thy grace at all times.

I do try to keep my inner gaze on Thee, O Guru. Many times I slip, yet I do try and keep my focus on Thy lotus feet, on Baba and on Bade Baba whose murthi is soon to be installed in our Dehradun Centre (in the house of Mr Maurya).

Salutations again and again, O Guru, as I await for Your beloved inner guidance and directions.     Hari Om, Om Guru. 


06 Dec 2018 (almost immediately):

Flow from Shri Guru:

“O Virender, I am aware of your return to India, and to your home as also your very beautiful moments in Haridwar and Rishikesh. I am very glad you went there and offered homage and obeisance to both these supreme Masters.


“Virender, you know well that I am within you. I dwell there and everything about you flashes before Me. I witness it all.


“Take the practices further. Give them more time. You are absolutely free to do this. So do it. Practice. Pray. Practice. And stay centered on Me at all times. At All times.


“I know you await the house sale to trigger your next steps and to get free from it. It will happen soon now. I assure you. It is now just a matter of little more time. Do not fear. It will happen. I assure you.


“Remember, Virender, I am with you and in you. What you see as a delay is not a delay. It is just the little time more to go. And then it will be done.


“My blessings are upon you for this. It will work out. So be free. And be happy. I am with you at all times. Trust that. Believe that.


“So go now for the moment. And keep coming back to this writing more frequently. It is a way to connect to Me and to hear from Me. Do it with greater regularity. (Yes, Master). So now go.”  


Thank You, O Guru. Thank You for Your golden words. Thank You for Your guidance. Thank You. Thank You. SGNMKJ.


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